One of my favourite views in New Zealand has to be the view from the top of Mt Maunganui at sunset (the other is at the Skyline restaurant in Queenstown if you really must know!).
The walk is a bit of an effort (take your heart pills, lots of water and a torch!) and settle in for golden hour while you wait for the street lights to come on at JUST the right time.
This image had been in the back of my mind for some time. The timing of the clear skies, setting sun colour and the street lights coming on all went to plan (which almost NEVER happens by the way!), so all I had to do was lug up my camera and tripod up the steep never ending mountain path, find a spot to sit, and wait - easy.
This image is actually 2 frames stitched together on the Fujifilm GFX, as I wanted a large image to work with for a GIANT print.
I must admit there isn't really much technical stuff going on here, just make sure you are at the right place at the right time, and shoot it. 8 seconds at f/11 seems to ring a bell, but it was whatever it made on the night, and is a really easy edit. Bit of saturation, and tone down the lights, and up the shadows. Job done!
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